Our expertise and your bottom line

Consulting & Facilitation

Our expertise and your bottom line

Consulting & Facilitation

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Helping leaders transform and build successful companies

Even the most successful corporations can improve their processes. At NWCPE, we call this performance excellence, and it drives everything we do. Our expertise in Lean, Six Sigma, Strategy Deployment, and Kaizen methodologies have helped companies achieve performance excellence and higher return on their investments.
Our consultants provide support in many forms, but it always builds on your organization’s strategy, culture, and people. We are available to help your team either ad-hoc or with a comprehensive approach to transformational change and continuous improvement with in-house training, consulting, Kaizen facilitations, and one-on-one coaching.


Process Maturity Auditing

Discover where your organization is on the process maturity spectrum. We provide auditing, support, and certification — perfect for a company preparing for an audit or implementation of ISO.

Voice of Customer

Customer survey and design is an essential and complicated initiative for any business. We work with you to understand the nuances in obtaining feedback and how to leverage results for future decision-making.

Strategy Development & Execution

We partner with your teams to build a Strategy Deployment System that includes analysis, design, implementation, and execution of your corporate and operational strategy — helping you to understand the improvements needed to drive competitive differentiation.

Quality Function Deployment (QFD)

Getting ready to launch a new product or service? QFD allows you to capture user requirements and translate them into tasks, features, and specifications required for your product to be a success.

Design for Six Sigma (DFSS)

Product development is a chaotic process. DFSS provides structure and allows you to control the process better to ensure that the end product meets your customer’s requirements.

Lean Process Design

Using fundamental concepts such as “focus on flow,” “reduce non-value-added activity” and “eliminate waste” we help you re-engineer or design your processes to focus on your customer’s needs.

Six Sigma and Lean Programs

We implement enterprise-wide Lean Six Sigma systems that evolve your culture into one built on outward customer focus, fact-based structured problem solving,  and operational excellence.

Statistical Process Control (SPC)

SPC systems design and implementation introduce methodologies that increase the ability to account for differences in processes while learning the best methods for managing processes for control and continual improvement.

Optimization with DOE

Optimize your processes, search out root causes to issues, and validate your solutions with the application of statistically designed experiments and process design and control development.

Value Stream Process Design, Optimization & Management

Explore and map out your value stream, identify strengths and weaknesses, then create and execute a strategy for improvement. Our expertise is in process design, process and quality control, and product preservation for the entire value stream and life cycle.

Kaizen Facilitation

Our Lean Six Sigma experts will work with you to develop your kaizen charter, select an optimal kaizen team and facilitate the actual kaizen project or blitz event.  Additionally, our project management resources are available to support follow-up activities if requested.


Looking for a continuous process solution tailored for your organization?
