Stewardship of Management and Lean Six Sigma Interaction
When embarking on a LeanSixSigma initiative stewardship of Management and LeanSixSigma interactions is a key to success. If you are starting an initiative, you’ve likely had a debate with other team members about what management needs to know. A common question is “Do they need to be experts?” The task
of turning management into LeanSixSigma experts is overwhelming, and truth be told, it’s not truly necessary.
As we discuss ways to involve management and gain their support, focus on how you can deliver quality rather than quantity. The knowledge Management has about the methodologies matters. Management knowledge of LeanSixSigma should facilitate their ability to ask top-notch questions about implementation to encourage its effective application.
Why Management Support and Understanding Matters
LeanSixSigma and business goals do not and should not exist at opposite ends of the spectrum. Instead, for the success of the company and its strategic objectives, the two should be as integrated as possible. To achieve this goal, Upper Management support is required. LeanSixSigma Belts can drive projects,
but it is Upper Management who translate and connect those results to the business.
The level of commitment required by an organization to implement and achieve success with LeanSixSigma is of consequence. It’s not something that can be contained to a specific employee, team, or department. Similarly, the frustrations that come with implementing any new methodology will go beyond a single employee, team, or department. Thus, it’s vital to frame LeanSixSigma to Upper Management as a methodology for overall quality and business improvement, rather than a means to a quick end.
A Shift in Leadership Roles for Management
The idea of a leader will have to shift some for Management to aid in the success of LeanSixSigma. LeanSixSigma is designed for complete quality improvement rather than individual project improvement. As a result each individual involved in the methodology will need to serve as both a contributor and facilitator.
Management in particular will need to embrace the facilitator role, being present to drive (instead of solely direct) change. Their role will be to encourage participation, offer support, foster a desire for success, and spur on decision making. In many ways, the knowledge about how to support their employees will be more important for Management than deep knowledge of LeanSixSigma. However, to encourage participation, managers will educate themselves sufficiently to enable asking questions about LeanSixSigma methods. Their knowledge should also be enough for them to recognize opportunities to apply them and challenge a LeanSixSigma project manager’s conclusions and rationale for solutions.
Successful managers will know how to draw the best out of their employees and individually to ensure the success of LeanSixSigma alongside business goals. This same knowledge will help Management support LeanSixSigma leaders and the decisions they make. If you are using external support to implement LeanSixSigma, ask your provider to design a component of the training to specifically prepare managers . Ask the provider to coach you during the critical start-up phase.
Want to discuss LeanSixSigma Management interaction? Maybe start with an NWCPE Lunch and Learn.
The Focus of Education and Training
Your management team are assuredly experts and leaders in your industry andin their own roles. Their areas of expertise may overlap with LeanSixSigma butnot have a rich background in LeanSixSigma methodologies and tools. Your goal should not be to make Black Belts out of each manager. Instead, provide them training and education in the fundamentals to create LeanSixSigma leaders.
In an extensive review of Lean Six Sigma methodologies J. Hill et. al. discusses supplying training in phase 0 of an implementation. This training and education should be delivered in a way that assists Management in developing LeanSixSigma projects that support core business objectives. It may also be beneficial to provide both departmental and company-wide training sessions. In particular, thefinance team should have a solid understanding of LeanSixSigma’s methodology and tools for improvement.
Once the management team has a firm hold on LeanSixSigma, they’ll be better equipped to support LeanSixSigma Belts in the organization and encourage buy-in by all team members. This capacity, after all, is what leads to continual improvemnt.[1]
[1]To learn more about How NWCPE can help your organization navigate LeanSixSigma and Management interactions check out some of our LeanSixSigma Services